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First Step To Porn Addiction, Purify Your Mind

Do you agree on me?

That the mind is almost always tainted and it almost always brings in unaspiring thoughts. Even when it is not doing this, the mind is still a victim to jealousy, doubt, fear especially overly exposed to sexual explicit activities that hinders overcoming porn addiction.

The unnecessary things first attack our mind. The mind may reject them for a couple of minutes, but again they knock at the mind’s door. This is the nature of our mind.

Devotion, love, affection and other divine qualities are already there in the heart. That is why our heart is much purer compared to our mind. Even if you are in phase on the process of porn addiction treatment but still you are overwhelmed with negative thoughts that your good character of the heart will still come prevail.

You know yourself more than anybody else does.

Again, the heart may not be a totally pure. But at least the heart is not like the mind, which deliberately opens its door to impure ideas. The heart is far better than the mind. And best is the soul.

The soul is all purity, light, bliss and divinity that surpass your porn addiction.

Does it make sense? Hopefully yes.

In order to purify your mind, the best thing to do is to feel yourself every day for a few minutes during what you called “me time” that you have no time to entertain needless sexual desires.

porn addiction treatment meditation

Say it to yourself, “I have a good heart and my porn addiction cannot dictate who and what I am”.

Believe that your past doesn’t define your future.

Then after that some time you feel that you are a “good person” and doesn’t dwelling so much with your porn addiction and at that time you will be flooded with purity.

But again you have to go deeper and farther by saying “I have a good heart and now I am overcoming my porn addiction”. At the same time, imagine the most inner pure and innocent child within you.

The moment you feel and say that “I have a good heart”, and meditate on this truth, your soul’s infinite purity will enter into your heart. Then, from the heart, the infinite purity will enter into your mind. When you can truly feel what comes from the heart, the heart will purify your mind.

Before having your “me time”, try to imagine a flame inside your heart.

Right now the flame may be tiny and wavering; it may not be a powerful flame. But one day it will definitely become most powerful and most enlightening. Now, try to imagine that this flame is enlightening your mind.

In the beginning you may not able to concentrate according to your satisfaction because the mind is not focused. The mind is still vulnerable to your porn addiction treatment. The mind does not have proper enlightenment, so imagine a beautiful flame inside your heart, enlightening you. Bring that enlightening flame inside your mind.

They you will gradually see a streak of light inside your mind. When your mind starts getting enlightened, it will be very, very easy to focus for a long time and also has the greater chance to focus more deeply.

Before you start your “me time”, repeat “I have a good heart” about twenty times as fast as possible in order to purify in order to purify your breath.

Feel that you are really growing into the very Breath of God. Unless and until the breath is purified, the mind will not remain one-pointed.

Learn to focus attention on a picture.

You can look at yourself on the mirror. If you concentrate on your own reflection, feel that you are totally one with the physical being that you are seeing. Then try to enter to the image that you are seeing. From there you must try to grow with one thought:

porn addiction treatment reflecting

“God is with me on my journey to porn addiction treatment.”

Repeat: “God is with me on my journey to porn addiction treatment”. Then you will see that slowly and steadily this divine thought is entering into you and flooding your inner and outer existence, giving you purity in your mind, body and vital.

You can tell your mind, “I shall not allow porn addiction to go on its own way. Now I want to overcome porn addiction” Repeat the word overcoming inwardly or aloud.

Then say, “I want to be treated from porn addiction”.

Then repeat “treated, treated, treated”.

At the time you are not allowing you mind to think of impurity or of any other thing. Don’t give your mind a chance to wander; simply utilize your mind for your own purpose. You have lots of things to accomplish in and through the mind. But the mind is so naughty that if you don’t utilize it, it will utilize you.

Each time an unnecessary thoughts enters your mind, throw it out of your mind. It is like a foreign virus, a thief that has entered your room. Why should you consciously allow a thief to remain in your room when you have the capacity to throw them out? When an unnecessary thought enters into your mind, just capture the thought and its lesson and throw it into the blazing fire of your inner aspiration.

When a thought comes that is not pure, good or sexually aggressive, immediately repeat the line “I’m done with my porn addiction treatment”.

Repeat it many times and very fast as much as possible.

Each time you use the line “I’m done with my porn addiction treatment”, feel that you are creating a snake that will coil around the unnecessary thought and strangle it.

Be brave enough to face the reality that you are completely done with your porn addiction treatment and never embrace the past that had ruined your life for the longest time.

A real man knows how to stop porn addiction before it comes into the senses. Once you know your ultimate purpose of living, you will no longer seek your porn addiction without having a second thought.


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