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You might wonder why there’s no personal photo showed about the author on this page. There must be.

Wanna know why? Because I don’t need to tell the entire world that I am free from pornography addiction and I know how to dwell on it acting like a superior on treating pornography addiction.

I will defend myself on the first hand; it is not because I am a shame of my pornography addiction but just wanted to keep myself private. Like the way you wanted, hopefully we are in the same shoe.

I am neither a professional psychologist nor a counselor providing services in treatment to pornography addiction. I am just simple guy who have tried to find ways on how to get rid of his personal addiction.

Rest assured, I am a human being like you.

And we all have different stories. Mine is different from yours.

When it all started? Just this year…

For the longest time I am slaved by pornography addiction where it all began from a mere curiosity until it became a habit and necessity.

To make the story short….

One day, I decided to stand-up for myself and do something for people with the same struggle of mine.

Why I am doing this?

Breaking The Bad Habit 5 Steps On How to Treat Porn Addiction eBook was created because of a primary purpose: to help a person/people with pornography addiction in a very accessible way.

Here’s what I believe in…

Pornography addiction can destroy every area of your life. It slowly kills your character as a person.

I wanted to keep the website simple yet with plenty of information and collection of facts, articles and blogs about pornography addiction believing that whoever visited the website has the greater chance to pursue themselves in getting rid from the addiction.

So much about me, this website is all about yours now. Feel free to read all the blogs with helpful facts about your porn addiction and break free from the bad habit.

Therefore my final words get ready to be treated!


Your new friend,

Daniel Lard

(This is an 'About' page anyway not a letter)

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