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Know Your Triggers & Cut-Off Resources Today

A trigger is anything that makes you feel like you want to watch porn again and somehow a reinforcing mechanism to let you enter towards porn addiction unknowingly.

A trigger could be a certain moment in your routine, like getting ready to go to sleep, at times when you have nothing to do or it could be pop-up advertisement on the internet with a nude model. Knowing your triggers is highly important especially during your porn addiction treatment because you will learn when to ramp up your efforts not to watch.

You can then replace watching with something that will successfully divert your attention until the urges goes away on its own.

For example, if you see an internet advertisement along the sidebars or pop-up that makes you want to watch porn, train yourself to play a round of your favorite video game or watching funny videos on YouTube instead. You may not able to avoid the advertisement entirely but you can begin to replace porn with a less harmful habit.

After a while you may not need to take such strong efforts to avoid certain triggers or rigidly replace porn watching with the same alternative behavior every time. When you are trying to remove the habit initially, though be very diligent about diverting yourself in moments of temptation then you might say you are successively closer to your porn addiction treatment.

If there are triggers you can avoid entirely, you may want to do so. This could make the initial decrease in use easier. Just be careful that you don’t spend so much time avoiding, listen to your comfortable music to set a positive vibes or invite your friends over to watch movie. If you try to let these triggers back into your life after intense avoidance of them, you run the risk of relapsing into porn use.

Remove temptation to watch more often than your goal allows. It can be helpful to limit slowly or cut off your access to the majority of sources of pornographic materials.

Here are some of samples on how to do it:

Are you ready?

Here it is…

If you usually watch porn on DVDs scratch them using a pen or paper clip before throwing them away so nobody can use it again. If you use magazines, tear-out individual pages so you can feel the urge on how to stop porn addiction with conviction and put them through a paper shredder or trash bin. Neither burns those away inside a big drum at try to laugh as much as possible to sense your victory towards porn addiction treatment.

There are many things you can do to make sure that your environment is set up such that porn use becomes more difficult and less of a temptation.

Start with your computer itself, phone or tablet if you also watch on that device. Clean up your computer by removing viruses and malware that give you lots of pornographic advertisements and pop-ups. Remember to also remove any files you have stored.

Try eliminating the privacy that normally encourages you to watch porn by moving your whole computer set up to a common area of your home to resist from temptation on masturbation entirely. This may only be a temporary measure as you are getting used to less porn. Your family might be surprised, but will understand if you let them know that you are attempting to limit your time isolated in your room.

Try monitoring your usage with the same browser extension that you use to put controls on your access to porn. If you use DVDs or print media, keep track by marking use in a schedule or calendar.

Avoid being with friends who share and encourage extreme use of watching porn. They are your good friends now but eventually became as bad influence later on. Learn also to say ‘No’ when they offered. Know that your friends are your resources accessing towards porn addiction and should be avoided from.

Here are the several key tools and tactics to eliminate or significantly reduce the risks of you coming across pornographic materials towards your porn addiction treatment:

1. Set your search engine to “safe search” mode:

And if you use another search engine, go to the safety settings and find this feature. If you use services like YouTube, be sure you have set the “safe” mode on those platforms as well.

2. Use the family safety tools provided by your computers/other device’s operating system. Both Windows and Mac operating systems provide family safety settings.

3. Use family safety tool services:

Sometimes called parental controls, these tools allow you to set specific filters to block types of content you find inappropriate. This is not just something to apply to youth; plenty of adults prefer to filter out pornographic and other types of content like hate and violence.

The appropriateness of some types of content will change as children mature; other types of content may always be unacceptable. To find the tools that best fit your family’s needs, search for parental-control or family-safety-tool reviews.

Keep in mind that these tools need to be installed on every device every time you go to online: game consoles, cellphones, tablets, personal laptops and computers. Some services have coverage for all types of devices, others limited to just computers or phones. You may find that using a single solution on all devices makes your monitoring much easier.

4. Scan the photos on your child’s cellphone once in a while.

While the youngest kids are not sexting, by the time they have hit their tweens they have begun participating in this type of behavior. Let your children know that every so often you will sit down with them and go through the pictures they have stored on their phone.

5. Avoid download porn apps before it will drown you from porn addiction.

6. You are your strongest tool. No technical blocking solution alone is enough to protect you from finding pornography online and achieve your goal towards porn addiction treatment.


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