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Guide to Avoid Compulsive Masturbation Easily

Masturbation is a universal phenomenon, occurring in all cultures throughout history.

It is often a practice of adolescents who are trying to figure out how to sexually please them before entering into adult relationships.

Pornography consumption has huge factor to an individual to masturbate and somehow become porn addict when the compulsive behavior uncontrollable.

compulsive masturbation

If masturbation has become obsession for you so that it blocks other aspects of your life or you happen to belong on process of porn addiction treatment, there are ways as to how to avoid masturbation in overcoming porn addiction so you can control this type of urge.

You just have to have the right mindset and a commitment to stop the behavior.

Below are helpful guide to avoid compulsive masturbation:

1. Focus on avoiding pornography as a primary step

porn addiction treatment

For most people wanting to quit masturbating, watching porn is a huge factor they need to address first. This can be compared to making sure there is no gasoline near a fire if you don’t want the fire to grow. Whether it is internet pornography, on television, movie, strip clubs or mental images imagines you hold in your mind, these must be handled before you can learn how to quit masturbating.

2. Use you energy and time in other ways

Try to stay busy doing activities that engage you in other ways besides masturbation. Sublimate by doing things like writing, painting, drawing, playing a musical instrument or playing sports. Eat healthy foods especially foods that can lower libido and try to cultivate some kind of skill that give you pleasure and focuses your brain such as carpentry, cooking or volunteering to charities and non-government organizations.

porn addiction treatment

Anything you have interests to can take your time and be a good way to learn how to avoid masturbation in overcoming your porn addiction.

3. Make a plan to avoid masturbation during high risk times

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If you find there are certain activities or times of the day that are at a high risk, make special attention toward avoiding masturbation. For example, you do it in the shower, make it a short cool shower that won’t be as tempting. If you do it in the middle of the night, get out of the bed and do some exercise to deflect your mind away from masturbation. If you do it when you are bored, fill your time with activities to stop the urges. Sleep with extra layer of pajamas in order to make it more difficult to masturbate.

4. Be around with people

If you find yourself masturbating out of loneliness, try to stay social. Join some social clubs so you can be around with people or join a dating site that you have someone on the internet to talk to. Walk with a friend instead of staying at home masturbating. Soon you will learn how to avoid masturbation and will get into relationships instead. Try to stay out in public as much as possible so you won’t be alone.

porn addiction treatment

If you find you masturbate to pornography on the computer, you should stay off your computer. Put in porn-blocking software so you won’t have access to pornography. Throw away the password to the porn-blocker so you won’t be tempted into watching pornography. If you have magazines or other sources of pornography, get rid of it and other resources. There are apps that also can help you with your porn addiction through filtering.

5. Get into comedy television

porn addiction treatment

Watch funny shows on televisions or funny videos on YouTube that will keep your mind off of something like masturbation and into something that will engage you mind and your funny bone. Comedy shows or videos are on all the time and you can watch it in order to think about their lives instead of what’s otherwise on your mind. This can help you to enjoy during your porn addiction treatment.

6. Listen to music and try getting a massage

porn addiction treatment

Better yet, do them at the same time. You will feel the sensuality of the massage and will be less likely to think about masturbation. You may even develop a good addiction in being massaged and will learn on how to avoid masturbation by keeping your body pampered from all the stress the entire day.

7. Get a pet

porn addiction treatment

Having some sort of company by getting a dog or cat can help you have a buddy to hang around with instead of thinking about masturbation. Pets can take over our lives quite quickly and can keep us occupied on taking care of the pet than wallowing in loneliness and masturbation.

8. Get rid of sex toys

If you use sex toys in order to masturbate while following the actions from watching porn, you need to get rid of them. If the sex toys are not around, you will be less tempted to engage in behavior with them. No sex toys means no masturbation or going back to masturbation the old fashioned way without sex toys, which may not be as stimulating.

9. Stop feeling guilty

porn addiction treatment

Don’t feel guilty because you have masturbation and porn addiction. Sometimes the guilt makes you feels so bad about yourself that you end up masturbating to get over the guilt. Be forgiving when you make masturbation and go onward. You can learn how to avoid masturbation by holding your head high and building onward. Don’t think about it as your mistakes and instead focus on your success.

10. Don’t punish yourself

porn addiction treatment

This is a difficult thing you are trying to do, so you shouldn’t punish yourself if you slip. If you happen to slip, stop the behavior as soon as you can and got onto doing something else, knowing that it was all just a slip. At the same time, don’t feel sorry for yourself as you know you are avoiding masturbation for all the right reasons in overcoming porn addiction too.

11. Stay committed

porn addiction treatment

It is not easy to get rid of masturbation and porn addiction and you will not learn it overnight. Stay committed to doing those things you need to do in order to move forward from your porn addiction treatment. You can set up a reward system for yourself and reward yourself if you can stay away from masturbation and overcoming porn addiction at the same time. Don’t make the reward something that has to do with masturbation, however.

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