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3 Quick Tips On How To Stop Thinking About Sex and Overcome Porn Addiction

Thinking about sex is natural. Do you agree on that?

We are hormonal and sexual beings whose genes drive us to procreate. But sometimes, sexual thoughts can become overwhelming and making it difficult to focus and difficult to get simple things done.

However, it is possible for those urges and desires to become more like background noise as you go through your everyday life especially when you should be thinking more about career, education, health, interests and hobbies, family and friends, money etc.

Learn to begin on how to stop thinking about sex that hinders you from porn addiction treatment with these helpful tips.

You want to know how?

Here we go…


porn addiction treatment

Understand and anticipate categories of triggers.

It might be easy to identify specific triggers or situational triggers. This understanding can help you become more proactive about the types of things to avoid when trying to decrease sexual thoughts.

Do your triggers tend to be more visual or more verbal? Men for example, tend to be more turned on by visual stimuli while women might be more affected by verbal ones.

Know your own particular triggers.

If a particular person, time of day or emotion always leads you to distracting thoughts about sex, learn to identify those triggers that drag your mind into the gutter. Create a list of your triggers. Maybe you always think about sex:

  • Rituals in the morning

  • During a particular class like yoga, gym or music etc.

  • During a ride on the bus or your own car

  • When you are supposed to be studying or working

  • When you are around the opposite or same sex

  • Before lying down to bed

Keep a list of unsexy topics.

This is basically what you consider the opposite of sexy. You could try turning yourself off by training yourself to think of unsexy things when your mind drifts into sexual territory. Anything that you would consider an unsexy mental diversion could work here.

Try thinking about neutral pleasant topics like scenic outdoor views, underwater scenes, puppies, sports bloopers etc.

Replace your triggers with other thoughts and topics.

Get in your own way and do not allow yourself to think about sex by focusing on these other things. It will become second nature before too long as well as preventing you from porn addiction treatment.

Find something to do immediately as a diversion. If you are always dwelling on sex during idle. Bus rides for example, make a special effort to do something else during your ride like finishing some homework, reading a new eBook or talking to a friend over the phone.

If you start thinking about sex at boring points in a class, a meeting or at work for example, you might start taking notes. By keeping your pen moving, you will have to stay focused on the conversation at hand and not what is going on in your mind.

Keep discussion topics top of mind. If you can’t run into a particular person without thinking about sex and getting embarrassed, come up with three specific things you want to ask them next time you see them. You could also come up with more thought-provoking topics that apply to most people, such as those surrounding current events, global affairs, our environment or politics.


porn addiction treatment

Pick up a book or movie.

Getting lost in an interesting book or movie is fun in and of itself, but it can also be an easy, low-energy way to avoid sexual thoughts, particularly in the short term while helping you to achieve your porn addiction treatment easily.

Be sure to find a movie that won’t remind you of sex and stay clear of steamy romance novels or sexy illustrations.

Most animated, action, adventure, thriller or mystery films and books could work here.

Go to a show or exhibit.

This will keep your mind occupied with other things and could be a lot of fun. Going with friends is even better as they can further distract you. In addition, you can talk with them about the event afterward and what you thought of it.

Consider attending a liver performance such as concert, musical, play, lecture etc.

You might also go to a museum, an aquarium or zoo.


porn addiction treatment

Always eat on time.

Sexual thoughts or dissatisfaction might come from another sort of dissatisfaction—hunger. So do not skip meals. Try to eat three times a day, healthy balanced meals per day and remember to hydrate as well particularly during hot weather.

To keep your mind sharp enough to ward off sexual thoughts, try eating brain foods like celery, spinach, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, beets and even dark chocolate.


Obviously exercising is healthy itself but it also does a few specific things that help inhibition sexual preoccupations. Exercise can be grossing and distracting and when you work out hard enough, other distractions have a tendency of withdrawing into the background.

Exercise provides a natural endorphin rush. Endorphins provide a generally good feeling and help relieve depression that kills finding sexual gratification leading to porn addiction.

Join a team sport.

While playing an individual sport, you may have difficulty getting away from your own thoughts. With team sports, you are much less likely to have this problem because they are social activities.

Choose the right type of sport and team. Of course, you may still be attracted to someone else on your team but you should be able to determine whether the benefits of playing balance the risk of worsening your thoughts about sex.

Sleep relaxingly.

When you are tired, you might have trouble focusing. Lack of sleep reduces your alertness and concentration and it can affect your mood. So you will have difficulty preventing your mind from wandering to sex or watching porn videos and it will be harder to implement the sex-free thought practices above. Make sure your bed is comfortable and that you are getting eight hours of sleep or deep sleep.

Being aware about these quick tips on how to stop thinking about sex will leads you closer to your goal—porn addiction treatment, fast and easy.


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