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List of Foods On How To Reduce Your Libido- Sex Drive, To Keep You Away From Porn Addiction

Sexual desires are controlled by what is known as the libido—fancy word for sex drive.

Sounds romantically naughty, right?

Libido is determined by a number of factors that include sociological, psychological and hormonal influences that plays a role in giving you the extreme urge to watch pornographic materials which hinders you towards porn addiction treatment.

“In both men and women, the hormone testosterone drives much of human libido,” explains Dr. Michael Hirt founder of the Center for Integrative Medicine in California’s San Fernando Valley, who often hands out a list of foods to patients who complain about a lowered sex drive.

“Low testosterone means a lower sex drive”.

This is why the idea of aphrodisiacs foods that stimulates your sex drive, is a widely accepted though there is little scientific evidence that such foods can really rev up your sex drive.

The theory is that certain edibles can arouse through their smell, taste and texture but also that their chemical makeup can allegedly alter hormones in your body. However, the facts behind arousal through food are slightly more complicated.

“Having chocolate on this list often confuses people because of chocolate’s association with romance”, says Hirt. “This makes sense because chocolate contains PEA (phenethylamine) a hormone that rises any time humans feel love.

So while eating chocolate may make you feel like you are in love, consuming too many chocolate kisses could lower testosterone levels, reducing your interest in taking your romance to the next level.”

Listed below are the foods that can reduce sexual hormones to help you achieve your porn addiction treatment:

1. Cheese

cheese to reduce sex drive

- A cheese plate is the perfect way to start a party or gathering or to end a serious dinner, but guests may not be taking the party back to their place if they loaded up on cheese. If derived from cow’s milk (which could be loaded with synthetic hormones), it could potentially mess with your body’s natural production of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone.

2. Mint

mint to reduce sex drive

- Bad breath is a turn-off but you shouldn’t be turning to mint for a cure, especially if you are male. The menthol in mints lower testosterone which in turn depletes your sex drive good for preventing from your porn addiction.

3. Corn Flakes

corn flakes to reduce sex drive

- Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who invented corn flakes, believed that sweet or spicy foods inflamed the passions and sough to depress the libido with a bland, sugarless cereal that no one could find arousing. Likely, it is the carbohydrates and grains in this cereal that deflate one’s sex desires.

4. Coffee

coffee to reduce sex drive

- Coffee’s caffeine supply could give you increased stamina for sex but if you are someone who gets nervous from coffee, this will not be a love potion for you. Increased anxiety can lower your sex drive, a frequent complaint of people with caffeine sensitivity.

5. Chocolate

chocolate to reduce sex drive

- It may be a little surprising to find chocolate on this list, but it could be harming your sex drive. Though usually thought of as an aphrodisiac because it stimulates feelings of euphoria and love, according to Dr. Michael Hirt, it will also suppress testosterone levels.

6. Microwave Popcorn

microwave pop corn to reduce sex drive

- Dinner and a movie may be romantic, but tub of microwave popcorn could totally kill your sex drive to push you to watch porn. Chemicals like perfluorooctanoic acid found in the bag’s lining can kill you sex drive and over the long term even cause prostate problems.

7. Diet Soda

diet  soda to reduce sex drive

- Staying fit and trim is usually good for your sex drive but eating and drinking products with artificial sweeteners can be a total buzz kill. Such sweeteners, especially aspartame, directly affect your serotonin levels, a vital hormone in getting to your “happy place”.

8. Licorice

licorice to reduce sex drive

- High amounts of licorice can result in a low libido, due to a natural ingredient in the candy called glycyrrhizin, which reduces testosterone levels in men. In one study, seven healthy male subjects were given 7 grams of licorice each day via commercially available candy tablets (containing 0.5 grams of glycyrrhizic acid). Four days into the study, the subjects’ total testosterone levels had decreased by 35 percent.

9. Soy

soy to reduce

- Another testosterone killer? Soy. Eating abundant amounts of it will result in a significant drop in your libido, due to its estrogenic properties.

10. High Fat Foods

high fat foods to reduce sex drive

- Not only does fried food leave you feeling sluggish, it can kill your libido. Hydrogenated fats suppress testosterone levels.

11. Alcohol

alcohol to reduce sex drive

- Forget “liquid courage”. Alcohol may make sex less nerve-wracking, if that’s an issue but it can seriously damage your ability to perform. “Alcoholic beverages do a double whammy on your sex life by lowering your testosterone and your sexual functioning says Hirt.

12. Shrimp

shrimp to reduce sex drive

- According to the USDA’s Pesticide Data Program, the average person is exposed to 10 to 13 different pesticides every day. Nine of the 10 most commonly used pesticides are “endocrine disruptors”, meaning they play with our male or female hormones. One of the most estrogenic is 4-hexyl resorcinol, which is applied to shrimp to prevent them from discoloration.

13. Sugar

sugar to reduce sex drive

- The sweet stuff increases levels of the hormone insulin, which can cause you to store belly fat, lose muscle mass and causing your testosterone levels to drop. In men, belly fat raises estrogen levels, which can result in low libido and erectile dysfunction that helps a great success towards porn addiction treatment. One study found that glucose (sugar) significantly reduced total and free testosterone levels.

14. Strawberries

strawberries to reduce sex drive

- Conventionally grown produce with edible skins, particularly berries have among the highest levels of estrogen-mimicking pesticides. Other culprits: peaches, apples, cherries and kale. When choosing produce, look for organic whenever you’re buying food with edible skins.

15. Low Grade Meat

low grade meat to reduce sex drive

- Poor quality meat could lead to low wattage sex drive that helps you easily to achieve porn addiction treatment. That is because most deli meat, hot dogs and hamburgers contain added hormones, preservatives and antibiotics that can bring about cause a hormonal imbalance in your body.

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