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Being Unsociable Will Lead You To Porn Addiction

Who would've thought being unsociable can possibly make a person addicted to pornography.

While socializing is generally considered a pleasant, leisurely activity while various commitments and anxieties can drain the enjoyment out of your social life and make it harder to interact with others that leads you somehow to find sexual gratification in return.

Being unsociable will give you more time to watch porn videos in the internet. In this way, you are isolating your own self. Am I right?

unsociable man

In which, your porn addiction treatment will be hindered. Tackling issues with self-esteem, rejection and other reservations can help increase your desire to socialize while improving the way you communicate with others and taking advantage of mutual friends or similar social opportunities can help you become a more social person overall.

Here are the helpful tips on how to become more sociable to fight back social inability that leads to find sexual gratification that prevents you from porn addiction treatment:

1. Pay attention to your insecurities

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Everybody feels shy or insecure from time to time but if you feel inhibited by your shyness, it is probably because you have been telling yourself you are somehow inadequate. These feelings of inadequacy are reinforced on a daily basis by the negative things you constantly tell yourself.

Learn to pay attention to negative thoughts and distinguish the rational thoughts from the irrational ones.

Do you constantly tell yourself you’re unattractive? That you’re weird?

Until you have addressed your insecurities and told yourself you are a worthy person, you won’t be able to truly socialize. Sometimes we get so accustomed to these negative thoughts that we no longer notice them.

Start paying attention to these kinds of thoughts you are having otherwise your insecurities will become the reinforcing factor to your porn addiction.

2. Make a list of your positive qualities

We spend so much time trying to improve ourselves that we forget to acknowledge our accomplishments, talents and our good character as a person. Ask yourself the following questions to get you started.

What have you done in the past year that you are proud of?

What is your proudest accomplishment of all time?

What unique talents do you have?

What do people tend to compliment you on?

What positive impact have you made on other peoples’ lives?

Learn to appreciate yourself more than acknowledging your porn addiction.

3. Stop comparing yourself to others

porn addiction treatment

Part of the reason why people struggle with insecurity is because they compare their own “low” points with other peoples’ “high” points. In other words, they compare the negative qualities of their own lives with the positive qualities of other peoples’ lives.

Keep in mind that behind closed doors, everybody experiences pain or suffering from time to time. If you find yourself wondering why certain people seem happier than you, remind yourself that happiness has little to do with external circumstances and everything to do with attitude.

If you are too busy worrying about others, then you won’t have time to make yourself a more interesting, well-rounded person.

4. Get over your fear of rejection

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The worst thing that can happen is… you meet someone who became special to you and that person doesn’t want to hang out with you again.

Is that unkind? Feels like end of the world? Definitely not.

Most of the time, this will not happen. If you think that most people will reject you and are afraid of socializing because of it, then you will be missing out on meeting a lot of amazing people. Know that you are not going to hit it off with everybody or even most people. But think about all of the amazing relationships you can form if you just put yourself out there more.

5. Learn to smile

porn addiction treatment

Everybody wants to be around people who are happy and excited about life. Even if you don’t feel happy most of the time, force yourself to put a smile on your face from time to time.

Not only will it instantly make you feel better, it will make other people want to be around you, talk to you and get to know you eventually.

Smiling is especially important if you are trying to attract a person, because it shows that you are a positive person who is worth meeting.

6. Have a welcoming body language

porn addiction treatment

If you are at a party or other social gathering, make sure your body language says that you want to be approached. Make eye contact with people, give them a small wave or a nod and look in front of you instead of at your feet or at the floor.

Look happy and ready to talk to other people so that they are more likely to come up to you.

Avoid crossing your arms. Frowning or standing in the corner. These gestures send the message that you want to be left alone and people will leave you alone.

Put your phone away, if you look busy people won’t want to interrupt you. Your body language should say that you are ready to mingle.

7. Be genuine

porn addiction treatment

Whether you are talking to an old friend or somebody you have just you met for the first time, you should always show genuine interest in the conversation. Being fully engaged not only shows that you are compassionate, it makes for more stimulating and fulfilling interactions with others.

Don’t try to tell people what they want to hear or what you think will make them like you more. Just be yourself.

Avoid texting or talking on the phone when you are in the middle of conversation, especially if the subject matter is important. Keep conversations balanced. Don’t constantly talk about yourself because this comes across as narcissistic. At the same time, being too quite shows that you are uninterested in the conversation.

8. Join a club or group with like-minded individuals

porn addiction treatment

If you want to make new friends, you will have to look beyond the people you see on a daily basis at work or school. If you have a hobby or special interest, then join a club or group in your area devoted to that activity.

Consider joining a local sports league, music ministry, hiking group or cycling team, depends on your field of interest. If you don’t have a hobby, then pick a new one. Be sure to choose something that you can do with groups of people.

Being sociable has very important part on your porn addiction treatment since socialization will help you to divert your attention to lessen your porn viewing consumption. No matter how much you have going on, if you want to become more social, you have to set a goal of hanging out with others at least a few times a week rather than having so much time alone in your room watching porn more often.

Tell yourself that no matter how anti-social you may feel, that you should put yourself out there no matter what and able to overcome your porn addiction.

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