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4 Unique Resources for Talking to Children About Pornography

Talking to kids about pornography sounds like an awkward conversation. But never before have been so many good resources to help parents talk to their kids about this critical topic.

And porn addiction is a poison that is so strong where it can cause even the very best of our generation to become monsters. Inappropriate pictures and visuals are everywhere in media. They pop up in TV commercials, magazines ads, movies and especially on internet.

Help your kids understand the harmful effects of images and keep them away from porn addiction that degrade and exploit women or girls or that pressure boys to conform to a male-gendered model centered on sexual attractiveness and prowess.

Here are the lists of helpful books we have found:

This is a comfortable, read-aloud story about a mom and dad who teach their child what pornography is, why it is dangerous and how to reject it using age-appropriate language and kid-friendly analogies. Best of all, this book teaches young kids to porn-proof their own minds.

The author is the coordinator of the Sexual Addiction Treatment Provider (SATP) post graduate certificate program at MidAmerica Nazarene University. This quick read not only helps parents with “the talk”, it also gives parents strategies for engaging kids in conversation about pornography, sexting and other technology concerns.

Joshua Harris is senior pastor of Covenant Life in Gaithersburg, Maryland. This book is one you can hand to your teen knowing it will give them great strategies for fighting lust in a language they can understand.

Rick James is a national speaker for Cru and his clever writing style is perfect for teens and young adults. This book contains instructions on how to form dynamic accountability groups, pages for personal devotions related to purity and practical tips to strive for purity in a sex saturated culture.

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